Embrace imperfection & break free from people-pleasing
If you're ready to experience a newfound sense of freedom and authenticity. It’s time to say goodbye to constantly seeking approval so you can embrace bold, decisive action.
Click the button below to discover how my coaching can help you.
You’re an ambitious woman who has big goals
You’re consuming information from self-help books, personal development podcasts, YouTube videos, TEDx talks, and more…But even with your wealth of knowledge, you’re struggling.
The truth is, you feel lost and confused about who you are and what you want, so you’re often left:
Second-guessing your decisions
People-pleasing by putting everyone else before yourself
Seeking external validation from your peers, boss, and family
Overthinking what you're going to eat, wear and say
Procrastinating important tasks
But it doesn’t have to be this way…
I know because I was there.
While all of that time & energy invested was great for gathering a ton of info, I found it so hard to integrate & embody the feelings of confidence & power I'd learned about.
Discover your true self to build unshakeable confidence in your abilities, judgment & decisions.
You deserve to know who you truly are beyond the titles and expectations. Gain clarity on your authentic desires and build the confidence to make decisions and take actions that align with your true self.
When you work with me, you'll:
Cultivate unwavering confidence and self-trust
Embrace empowered action that resonates with you
Pursue work that ignites your passion and purpose
Wake up every day with joy and fulfillment in who you are and the life you're living

“Jomana is a great listener making my experience enriching and life-changing. Some results I’ve experienced include: Aligning with my purpose, feeling more empowered and grounded in my values, and being able to trust myself more.”
I’m Dr. Jomana Elaridi, the confidence & empowerment coach for ambitious women.
And my story is a lot like yours. To the outside world, my life looked perfect.
I was a successful University Professor
Who gave a TEDx talk,
Won the Teaching Excellence Award,
And landed a prestigious administrative position at the American university where I taught.
I had all the checkboxes ticked for career & personal success - married with two kids.
But in my heart, I felt overwhelmed & unfulfilled.

From an early age, I set high standards for myself to perform exceptionally well in everything I pursued (can you relate?).
From my University degree to my Academic career and everything in between, I was “successful,” and yet, along the way, the feelings of ‘not good enough’ were always there.
And, of course, to the outside world, I was excelling.
I ticked all the boxes for personal and career success…
“That Dr. Jomana Elaridi has it all.” But it didn’t feel like that. On the inside, I was overwhelmed with all that I had to do and be as an ambitious woman.
The pressure was challenging and stressful.
My self-worth needed an upgrade.
It turns out that self-worth and self-confidence are the core foundations upon which everything else in our lives is built!
And it was only after I accepted myself for who I am - with no titles, achievements, degrees, or accolades - did I begin to grow and flourish from the inside out.
My happy ending (and maybe yours too)…
Through self-reflection, emotional regulation techniques, neuroscience and coaching,
✨ I now feel confident and self-assured, even in new circumstances.
✨ I no longer seek external validation to prove my worth (to myself) through my relentless pursuit of achievements.
✨My perfectionism has been subdued, and now, I appreciate and celebrate my growth.
Overall, I am kinder to myself and more accepting of who I am, allowing me to take courageous action without thinking and overthinking every possible consequence or judgment.
Most importantly, I show up as myself…as who I really am…And you can too.
As I think of the thousands of students, colleagues, friends, and family I have impacted and influenced over the years, I realize that if I had entertained those destructive feelings of self-doubt and quit college, or my Ph.D., or my career as a university professor (all of which I had seriously contemplated), not only would my life have been very different but so would the lives of many others.
So here I am!
I am on a mission!
Now, my mission is to empower as many women as possible.
I want every one of you to appreciate your worth and cultivate your inner confidence so you, too, can make an impact and live the life you DESERVE to live … as who you truly are.
The lack of fulfillment moved me to research to see what was really going on.
I began reading, researching and reflecting on what I found.
And after a while, I figured it out…
Attending the stress and time management workshops, lighting beautiful candles, and taking daily relaxing baths wouldn’t give me the peace I was looking for.
What needed to change was within myself, not my environment.

The CV
Looking for those official credentials? Here are a few:
Holistic Life, Career & Executive Coach
With this expertise, I guide you through breakthroughs to help you discover new perspectives with proven tools and techniques to empower you to make decisions that lead to a more fulfilling life.
Trauma-Informed Certification
As a trauma-informed coach, I offer a safe haven where I understand the complexities of trauma, guiding you towards resilience and growth and helping you reclaim control over your life.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming
As a master in NLP, my advanced training enables me to read between the lines and truly understand your needs, allowing me to provide a tailored experience that addresses what matters most to you.
Where I received my accreditations

“After just one NLP session, I experienced a remarkable transformation in my confidence, empowerment, and overall well-being, positively impacting my academic performance and opening doors to new opportunities in my social life.”
“Jomana's inclusive and gentle approach helped me overcome past difficulties, breaking down the blockages and creating a sense of freedom. Her thoughtful explanations and sense of security were empowering, making me highly recommend her to others. Jomana is truly remarkable.”
Here are a few more things you should know about me
Two years into my coaching business, I’m still uncovering values. The value of physical strength had me going to the gym for the FIRST time at 43 years old!
My two boys are the loves of my life! And I share my pride and support in them with my embarrassing cheering during soccer practice. That’s right, I’m that mum.
I married my husband at the age of 20! It was the same year I graduated from university! And some 24 years later, we are happy and thriving
I moved away from Lebanon to give my boys a better life in Cyprus. I miss my husband, mom and friends a lot, but the choice, although difficult, aligned with my core values.
The values that fuel my life & business
Connection & Contribution
Connect like-minded individuals together for a powerful way to foster growth and success for everyone involved.
Genuiness & Authenticity
Build authentic and honest communication channels with clients for deeper connections and more meaningful relationships.
Expansion & Growth
Help people improve their overall well-being to increase satisfaction with their life for a greater sense of purpose and meaning.
Love & Kindness
Infuse love and kindness in every interaction to create a nurturing and supportive environment that builds trust and a sense of safety, allowing people to be more open and vulnerable.
Acknowledgement & Celebration
Rewire thought patterns with clients & audience members to build up confidence and belief in themselves.

Uncover your core values, find out who you really are & feel confident in your own skin.
If you’re an ambitious woman who’s ready to feel assured and confident, just as you are, it’s time to move towards that freedom.
Click the button below to learn more about working with me.

Uncovering Limiting Beliefs & Embracing Self-Acceptance
Jomana helped me identify embedded beliefs about myself and to work on accepting myself in all life’s seasons.
I struggled with not accepting myself and trying to be perfect, relating self-confidence to perfection. I realized the strengths in my personality, how to believe in myself, and that every problem has a solution. The best part of working with Jomana is that she let me answer my questions and guided me to think logically, care for my business, and realize my self-awareness.